en05000500.vsdValue 1YtValue 2Value 3Value 4Value Reported(1st)Value ReportedValue 5Value ReportedY1Y2Y5Value Reported Value ReportedY3Y4(*)Set value for t: XDbRepIntt (*) t (*) t (*) t (*)IEC05000500 V1 ENFigure 192: Periodic reportingAmplitude dead-band supervisionIf a measuring value is changed, compared to the last reported value, and the changeis larger than the ±ΔY pre-defined limits that are set by user (UDbRepIn), then themeasuring channel reports the new value to a higher level. This limits the informationflow to a minimum necessary. Figure 193 shows an example with the amplitude dead-band supervision. The picture is simplified: the process is not continuous but thevalues are evaluated with a time interval of one execution cycle from each other.Section 14 1MRK 504 135-UEN AMonitoring430Technical manual