8.9.4 SignalsTable 141:NS2PTOC (46I2) Input signalsName Type Default DescriptionI3P GROUPSIGNAL- Group connection for neg seq.BLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of functionBLK1 BOOLEAN 0 Block of step 1BLK2 BOOLEAN 0 Block of step 2Table 142:NS2PTOC (46I2) Output signalsName Type DescriptionTRIP BOOLEAN Common trip signalTRST1 BOOLEAN Trip signal for step 1TRST2 BOOLEAN Trip sognal for step 2PICKUP BOOLEAN Common start signalPU_ST1 BOOLEAN Pickup signal for step 1PU_ST2 BOOLEAN Pickup signal for step2ALARM BOOLEAN Alarm signalNSCURR REAL Negative sequence current in primary amps8.9.5 SettingsTable 143:NS2PTOC (46I2) Group settings (basic)Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default DescriptionOperation DisabledEnabled- - Disabled Disable/Enable OperationtAlarm 0.00 - 6000.00 s 0.01 3.00 Time delay for alarm ( operated by pick upsignal) in secondsOpStep1 DisabledEnabled- - Enabled Enable execution of step 1I2-1> 3 - 500 %IB 1 10 Step 1 Neg. Seq. Current pickup level, in % ofIBaseCurveType1 DefiniteInverse- - Definite Selection of definite or inverse time-characteri.for step 1t1 0.00 - 6000.00 s 0.01 10.00 Definite time delay for trip of step 1, in sectResetDef1 0.000 - 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Time delay for reset of definite timer of step 1,in secTable continues on next page1MRK 502 048-UUS A Section 8Current protection267Technical manual