Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default DescriptionK1 1.0 - 99.0 s 0.1 10.0 Neg. seq. capability value of generator for step1, in sect1Min 0.000 - 60.000 s 0.001 5.000 Minimum trip time for inverse delay of step 1, insect1Max 0.00 - 6000.00 s 0.01 1000.00 Maximum trip delay for step 1, in secResetMultip1 0.01 - 20.00 - 0.01 1.00 Reset multiplier for K1, defines reset time ofinverse curveOpStep2 DisabledEnabled- - Enabled Enable execution of step 2I2-2> 3 - 500 %IB 1 10 Step 2 Neg. Seq. Current pickup level, in % ofIBaset2 0.00 - 6000.00 s 0.01 10.00 Definite time delay for trip of step 2, in sectResetDef2 0.000 - 60.000 s 0.001 0.000 Time delay for reset of definite timer of step 2,in secTable 144:NS2PTOC (46I2) Non group settings (basic)Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default DescriptionGlobalBaseSel 1 - 6 - 1 1 Selection of one of the Global Base Valuegroups8.9.6 Monitored dataTable 145:NS2PTOC (46I2) Monitored dataName Type Values (Range) Unit DescriptionNSCURR REAL - A Negative sequence current inprimary amps8.9.7 Operation principleThe negative sequence time overcurrent protection for machines (NS2PTOC, 46I2)function directly measures the amplitude of the negative phase sequence component of themeasured current. NS2PTOC (46I2) sets the PICKUP, PU_ST1 or PU_ST2 outputs activeand starts to count trip time only when the measured negative sequence current value risesabove the set value of parameters I2-1> or I2-2> respectively.To avoid oscillation in the output signals, a certain hysteresis has been included. For bothsteps, the reset ratio is 0.97.Step 1 of NS2PTOC (46I2) can operate in the Definite Time (DT) or Inverse Time (IDMT)mode depending on the selected value for the CurveType1 parameter. If CurveType1=Definite, NS2PTOC (46I2) operates with a Definite Time Delay characteristic and ifSection 8 1MRK 502 048-UUS ACurrent protection268Technical manual