Internal signalsSELFSUPEVLST function provides several status signals, that tells about the conditionof the IED. As they provide information about the internal status of the IED, they are alsocalled internal signals. The internal signals can be divided into two groups.• Standard signals are always presented in the IED, see Table 488.• Hardware dependent internal signals are collected depending on the hardwareconfiguration, see Table 489.Explanations of internal signals are listed in Table 490.Table 488:SELFSUPEVLST standard internal signalsName of signal DescriptionInternal Fail Internal fail statusInternal Warning Internal warning statusReal Time Clock Error Real time clock statusTime Synch Error Time synchronization statusRuntime App Error Runtime application error statusRuntime Exec Error Runtime execution error statusIEC61850 Error IEC 61850 error statusSW Watchdog Error SW watchdog error statusSetting(s) Changed Setting(s) changedSetting Group(s) Changed Setting group(s) changedChange Lock Change lock statusFile System Error Fault tolerant file system statusDNP3 Error DNP3 error statusTable 489:Self-supervision's hardware dependent internal signalsCard Name of signal DescriptionPSM PSM-Error Power supply module error statusTRM TRM-Error Transformator module error statusCOM COM-Error Communication module error statusBIO BIO-Error Binary input/output module error statusAIM AIM-Error Analog input module error status1MRK 502 048-UUS A Section 17Basic IED functions665Technical manual