tAlarm and tWarning are user settable limits. They are also independent, that is, there isno check if tAlarm > tWarning.tAlarm and tWarning are possible to be defined with a resolution of 10 ms, depending onthe level of the defined values for the parameters.tOverflow is for the overflow supervision with a default value tOverflow = 999 999.9seconds. The outputs freeze if an overflow occurs. Operation AccuracyThe accuracy of TEIGGIO depends on essentially three factors• task cycle time• the pulse length• the number of pulses, that is the number of rising and falling flank pairsIn principle, a shorter task cycle time, longer integrated time length or more pulses maylead to reduced accuracy. Memory storageThe value of the integrated elapsed time is retained in a non-volatile memory, only if anywarning, alarm or/and overflow occurs. Consequently there is a risk of data loss in theintegrated time at a power failure.13.9.7 Technical dataTable 344:TEIGGIO Technical dataFunction Cycle time (ms) Range or value AccuracyElapsed time integration 5 0 ~ 999999.9 s ±0.05% or ±0.01 s20 0 ~ 999999.9 s ±0.05% or ±0.04 s100 0 ~ 999999.9 s ±0.05% or ±0.2 s1MRK 502 048-UUS A Section 13Logic505Technical manual