IEC 61850 or FunctionnameANSI Function description GeneratorREG650REG650 (B01A)Gen diffREG650 (B05A)Gen+Trafo diffMST4TCP DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol 1 1 1RS485GEN RS485 1 1 1OPTICALPROT Operation selection for optical serial 1 1 1RS485PROT Operation selection for RS485 1 1 1DNPFREC DNP3.0 fault records for TCP/IP communication protocol 1 1 1OPTICAL103 IEC60870-5-103 Optical serial communication 1 1 1RS485103 IEC60870-5-103 serial communication for RS485 1 1 1GOOSEINTLKRCV Horizontal communication via GOOSE for interlocking 59 59 59GOOSEBINRCV GOOSE binary receive 4 4 4ETHFRNTETHLAN1GATEWAYEthernet configuration of front port, LAN1 port andgateway1 1 1ETHLAN1_AB Ethernet configuration of LAN1 port 1PRPSTATUS System component for parallell redundancy protocol 1CONFPROT IED Configuration Protocol 1 1 1ACTIVLOG Activity logging parameters 1 1 1SECALARM Component for mapping security events on protocolssuch as DNP3 and IEC1031 1 1AGSAL Generic security application component 1 1 1GOOSEDPRCV GOOSE function block to receive a double point value 32 32 32GOOSEINTRCV GOOSE function block to receive an integer value 32 32 32GOOSEMVRCV GOOSE function block to receive a measurand value 16 16 16GOOSESPRCV GOOSE function block to receive a single point value 64 64 642.5 Basic IED functionsIEC 61850/Functionblock nameFunction descriptionBasic functions included in all productsINTERRSIG Self supervision with internal event list 1SELFSUPEVLST Self supervision with internal event list 1TIMESYNCHGEN Time synchronization 1Table continues on next page1MRK 502 048-UUS A Section 2Available functions45Technical manual