10-8 SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User Guide, Rev 01Configuring Subscriber AddressesThis operation configures the called and calling addresses that will be used in callsetup. To complete the connection, the software must recognize where the call iscoming from (calling address) and where it is going (called address).To display a list of current Subscriber IDs (addresses), press [A] at the Connections andRouting Paths Menu (or [A], [D], [A] from the Main Menu).To add or change a Subscriber ID, press [B] at the Connections and Routing PathsMenu. When prompted, enter a Subscriber ID of up to 15 digits. (ID conventions aredescribed on page 8-21.)Figure 10-3 Typical SVC Subscriber Screen[A],[D],[B] from Main MenuPressing [G] will display routing paths, which link the subscriber with one or moreports. Pressing [H] will display the addresses used for call redirection. (Theseaddresses are valid only if Y is specified for one or more of items C, D, and E on thefirst screen.) Parameters for all three screens are described following Table 10-3.Subscriber ParametersTable 10-3 SVC Subscriber ParametersParameter Valid Values Default ValueSubscriber Name 0–31 characters noneRouting Algorithm 0–3 0System atic Redirection Y/N NNod e Name=nod exyzSV C Sub scriber Main ten ance* S ubs criber ID 0100012345A S ubs criber Name su b1B R outing Algorithm 0, Rou nd RobinC S ystematic Redirection ND R ed irect on Busy NE R ed irect on Ou t of Order NF C onnection Priority 0G R outing Path sH R ed irection Ad dres sesOption: