A-4 SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User Guide, Rev 01ERR – is a response to an invalid command.ERR NC – indicates a network congestion error.FRAMING ERROR – indicates that the port is not finding the stop bit at the end of thecharacter bits. This can be due to noise or a mismatch in such parameters as speed,bits/character, or stop bits between the port and its connected device.LINE DISCONNECTED – indicates that modem signals on the port were dropped toeffect a physical disconnection.login – is a request to enter a subscriber ID.LOGIN ACC – indicates that login was successful and the user is now connected to thenetwork.LOGIN REJ – indicates that login was unsuccessful.LOGOUT ACC – is displayed when the PAD accepts a logout command.LOGOUT REJ – is displayed when the user attempts to log out, but either the Portrecord was not configured to require login, or a VC on this port has not yet beencleared.OVERRUN ERROR – indicates that the PAD is unable to cope with the rate at whichcharacters are being received by the port, resulting in loss of characters. EnablingXON-XOFF flow control (async PAD profile parameter 5) usually corrects this error.PAGE – indicates that a “page wait” condition (async PAD profile parameter 22) hasoccurred.PARITY ERROR – indicates a parity error on the port, due to either noise on the channelor an incompatibility between the parity settings of the port and its connected device.password – is a request to enter a password.PROF ACC – means the async PAD profile was accepted.PROF REJ – means the async PAD profile was rejected.PVC ERR – indicates that a Clear was received on a PVC port, suggesting a possibleabnormality in the port configuration.RESET – indicates a Reset received from the network.RESET DTE – means that the network has received a Reset from the remote DTE.SET CMD DISALLOWED – means Set Command was not allowed.STAT ENGAGED – is a response to the Status command, indicating that a VC is cur-rently set up on the port.STAT FREE – is a response to the Status command, indicating that no VC is currentlyset up on the port.TRANSFER “nnnn” COM – indicates a called DTE reselection by the PAD to “nnnn.”