Configuring Async Ports 12-3PAD Profile ParametersThe numbers preceding the parameter names correspond to CCITTX.3. Also, the default values make up CCITT profile 90.When specifying characters that will perform functions (i.e.,Data Forwarding or Character Delete), be sure to specify theseas different charactersProfile Descriptionis used simply as an identifier. It is not an X.3 parameter.01, PAD Recallallows the user's device to initiate an escape from data transfer or connection inprogress state in order to send PAD command signals. Values (can be added) are:0 = escape is not allowed.1 = escape will be initiated by [Ctrl] [P] (1/0), Data Link Escape.32–126 = escape will be initiated by the character defined by this number.Table 12-1 Async PAD Profile ParametersParameter Valid Values Default ValueProfile Description 1–31 uppercase chars. none01, PAD Recall 0–126 102, Echo 0 (no) / 1 (yes) 103, Data Forwarding Char 0–127 12604, Idle Timer Delay ( sec) 0–255 005, Ancillary Device Control 0–2 106, PAD Service Signal 0–15 107, Receive Break Signal 0–31 208, Discard Output 0 (no) / 1 (yes) 009, Padding After 0–255 (characters) 010, Line Folding 0–255 011, Speed n/a–determined in Port configration12, Flow Contr ol 0 (no) / 1 (yes) 113, Insert after 0–7 014, Padding after 0–255 (characters) 015, Editing 0 (no) / 1 (yes) 016, Character Delete 0–127 12717, Line Delete 0–127 2418, Line Display 0–127 1819, Edit Service Signal 0–126 120, Echo Mask 0–255 021, Parity 0–3 022, Page Wait 0–255 (linefeeds) 0