Introduction to Database Configuration 3-11E On-Line Update IPX Filter Definitions and Applications –(Chapter 15) allows updating the SmartSwitch with any changeswithout rebooting.F Review Bridge Filter Definitions – (Chapter 16) displays anyBridge filters (see next item) that have been configured on theSmartSwitch.G Configure Bridge Filter Definitions – (Chapter 16) specifiesparameters for regulation of bridge traffic by filtering MACaddresses, NetBIOS names, SAP updates, etc.H Review Bridge Filter Applications – (Chapter 16) displaysinformation on any bridge filter applications (see below)configured on the SmartSwitch.I Configure Bridge Filter Applications – (Chapter 16) appliesbridge filters to interfaces/filter types/directions.J On-Line Update Bridge Filter Definitions and Applications(Chapter 16) allows updating the SmartSwitch with any changeswithout rebooting.G On-Line Update Dynamic Routing Parameters – (misc.) updatesthe system memory with any changes that have been made torouting parameters.F Configure Async PAD Parameters – (Chapter 12) defines operatingparameters for devices connected to SmartSwitch async PAD ports.A Review Async PAD ProfilesB Configure Async PAD ProfilesC Review Async PAD LoginsD Configure Async PAD LoginsG Review Model Information – displays the maximum number oflogical connections allowed, and lists the protocols installed, on theSmartSwitch 1800.H Configure Bandwidth Allocation Groups – (Chapter 4) defines upto 16 groups that assign connection priorities to various types oftraffic.B Configure Protocols (Chapter 5)A Review Protocol Configuration – displays installed protocols.B Configure Protocols – specifies the protocols that will be used.C Display Memory Status – displays a table showing available andused memory.C Configure PortsA Configure RLP Ports – (Chapter 6 through Chapter 12) specifies typesand operating parameters of serial ports.B Configure LAN Port – (Chapter 6) specifies the type (Ethernet orToken Ring) and associated address for the LAN interface.C X.25 Address Translation Templates – (Chapter 8) displays, specifies,and tests templates that are applied to incoming and outgoing callpackets for the purpose of translating selected fields of a packet that maynot otherwise be in a compatible format.A Review X.25 Address Translation TemplatesB Configure X.25 Address Translation TemplatesC Test X.25 Address Translation TemplatesD Configure Logical Ports – (Chapter 8) specifies operating parametersfor logical ports residing on physical frame relay ports.