7-16 SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User Guide, Rev 01Blocked Port Flagwill cause the port to be enabled (N) or disabled (Y) at node IPL. The port will remainin that state until this parameter is changed or an on-line enable ([B], [B], [C] from theMain Menu) or disable ([B], [B], [A] from the Main Menu) is performed.If set to Y, no backup DLCIs on this port will be used (even if the port is enabled viaon-line port enable).Line Speedis the data transmission rate in bits per second, and the clock speed when the port is aphysical DCE (i.e., the attached I/O cable is DCE). If this port is a physical DTE,specify the line speed that matches (as closely as possible) that of the device connecteddirectly to the port.Selecting this parameter for a CSU/DSU port will toggle between the two valid valuesof 56K bps and 64K Clear Channel.Selecting this parameter for any other physical interface type will display a list ofranges. Press the letter corresponding to a range to display the valid speeds within thatrange. All possible speeds are:75 150 300 600 12002400 4800 9600 14.4K 19.2K24K 28.8K 38.4K 48K 56K64K 72K 112K 128K 168K192K 224K 256K 280K 320K336K 384K 392K 448K 504K512K 560K 576K 616K 640K672K 704K 728K 768K 784K832K 840K 896K 952K 960K1.008M 1.024M 1.064M 1.088M 1.12M1.152M 1.176M 1.216M 1.232M 1.28M1.288M 1.344M 1.4M 1.408M 1.456M1.472M 1.512M 1.536M 1.568M 1.6M1.624M 1.664M 1.668M 1.728M 1.792M1.856M 1.92M 1.984M 2.048MIf an RS-232 DCE port is directly connected to the DTE via the standardCabletron cable, the maximum supported speed is 64K. If longer cabling isused, the maximum speed is 19.2K. (The EIA standard for RS-232addresses speeds up to 19.2 Kbps.)Maximum Bytes per Framespecifies the maximum size of any I-frame (Information frame) that can be transmittedor received on the port.Logical DCEdefines the port as (if Y) logical DCE or (if N) DTE. The port must be configured asthe opposite of the device at the other end of the connection.Logical and physical DCE/DTE are independent of each other (e.g., a port can be aphysical DCE and logical DTE).Generate Clockspecifies whether the port will generate the clock necessary to synchronize traffic overthe link. If the port is a physical DCE (determined by the port's I/O cable interface),set this parameter to Y, since the physical DCE generates clock. If the port is DTE, setthe parameter to N.