20-16 SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User Guide, Rev 0114 = Time To Live (14 seconds/hops)11 = Protocol (hex 11 is 17 UDP, hex 01 is 01 ICMP, hex 06 is 06 TCP, etc…)9E 65 = IP header checksum02 02 02 02 = IP source address02 02 02 01 = IP destination address0208 = UDP source port (520)0208 = UDP destination port (520)0020 = UDP length (20 hex is 32 decimal)EE93 = UDP header checksum02 = RIP Command byte (Response)01 = RIP Version 100 00 = must be zero03000000 = IP address (reporting route to network )00000000 = must be zero00000000 = must be zero00000000 = Metric (hops 1-15; note that 16 is unreachable)ARP (bridged IP) Request packet traced on DLCI 16:0016 (0076) 0300800080C20007FFFFFFFFFFFF0080C7193D800036AAAA030000F8080600010800060400010080C7193D80C6554ABC000000000000C6554A015F4C5445585400000400000000000000A02903 = Q.922 control byte00 = Pad byte80 = SNAP NLPID for a bridged 802.3 frame0080C2 = OUI0007 = PIDFFFFFFFFFFFF = Destination MAC address0080C7193D80 = Source MAC address0036 = length of packet in hex (54 bytes follow)AAAA03 = SNAP Header0000F8 = Protocol ID (SNAP OUI will see 000000 or 00000C)0806 = Ethertype (ARP)0001 = Hardware (Ethernet 10MB)0800 = Protocol = Ethertype (DOD-IP)06 = Hardware address length04 = Protocol address length0001 = Op Code (1 = ARP request, 2 = ARP reply, 3 = RARP request, 4 = RARPreply)0080C7193D80 = Sender's hardware address (MAC address)|C6554ABC = Sender's protocol address (IP address)000000000000 = Target hardware address (MAC address)C6554A01 = Target protocol address (IP address)The rest is Ethernet padding.