21-8 SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User Guide, Rev 01The statistic names in this display are self-explanatory (except the Version of DSPImage, which is not currently displayed.Voice Connection StatisticsTo display Voice Connection statistics for both Voice ports, press [B] at the Voice Sta-tistics Displays Menu. When prompted, enter:l Port: 4 or 5.l Report Interval: 5–65535 (seconds). (Default is 5.)Figure 21-8 Voice Connection Statistics Display[E],[I],[B] from Main MenuAs this manual was going to press, there was a possibility that theabove display would change to clarify the information shown forSource and Destination at the top of the screen. The correct descrip-tions of those items are in the list below.Information in this Display:l Source: RLP, Port – Identifies the local Voice port. (RLP is irrelevant, and willalways be 0.)l Destination: Node – identifies the device at the remote end of the frame relayconnection.l Destination: RLP, Port, DLCI – identify the local frame relay interface that will beused to transport Voice frames.l Call State – will be one of these:On Hook.Off Hook.Call Active – a call has been placed and answeredPending – the call has timed out during a busy condition, but the receiver isstill off hook.Loading.Nod e Name=nod e_xyzV oice C onnection Statistics D is playSou rce R LP: 0 Port: 5Destination: N ode: 110 R LP: 0Port: 0 D LCI: 16Report Interval (sec): 5Cu rrent Time: 01/07/1998 14:23:45STA TISTI CSCall S tate Id leFrames Received from Network 100Frames Transmitted to Network 110Con ges tion Management from Network 0Con ges tion Management to Network 0Call S etu p Time (ms ec) 100Call D uration (secs) 1:14Nu mber Dialed 100100Baud R ate 9600In terface Un derrun s 0In terface Overruns 0