Statistics Displays 21-15l Bad Hdr Length – is the number of datagrams received with a header size lessthan the minimum IP header length.l Local Pkts Sent – is the number of datagrams generated/forwarded by this node.l Bad Pkt Length – is the number of datagrams received with a length other thanthe length of the header.l Pkts Dropped – is the number of datagrams dropped due to a situation such aslack of buffers.l Pkt Fragments – is the number of datagram fragments received.l Total Reasmbled – is the number of complete datagrams properly reassembledat this node.l Frag Time Out – is the number of datagram fragments discarded because of tim-eouts.l Pkts Fragmented – is the number of outgoing datagrams properly fragmented.l Frag Dropped – is the number of datagram fragments dropped because of dupli-cation or lack of space.l Frag Created – is the number of outgoing datagram fragments created.l Pkts Forwarded – is the number of datagrams forwarded.l Can't Frag – is the number of times fragmentation of an datagram was disal-lowed because the flag field did not allow fragmentation.ICMP StatisticsICMP statistics track traffic of Internet Control Message Protocol messages throughthe node. (ICMP messages are encapsulated with IP headers and transmitted with theIP traffic.)Press [D] at the Statistics menu and, when prompted, enter a Report Interval: 5–65535(seconds). (Default is 5.)Figure 21-12 ICMP Statistics Display[E],[D] from Main MenuN ode Name=n ode_xyzI CMP Statistics D is playR ep ort In terval (sec): 5C urrent Time: 6/17/1997 14:23:45S TATIS TIC CUR R CUMULA TIVE S TATIS TIC CU RR CUMULA TIVEI CMP Errors 90 1000000000 Pkt Too S hort 90 1000000000Old Too Sh ort 90 1000000000 Bad Ch ecks um 90 1000000000Old ICMP 90 1000000000 Bad Pkt length 90 1000000000Bad I CMP Code 90 1000000000 R es pons es Cn t 90 1000000000Out Echo R ep ly 90 1000000000 I n Echo Reply 90 1000000000Out Dest Unrech 90 1000000000 I n D es t U nrech 90 1000000000Out Pkt Los t 90 1000000000 I n Pkt Lost 90 1000000000Out Redirect 90 1000000000 I n R ed irect 90 1000000000Out Echo 90 1000000000 I n Echo 90 1000000000Out Time Exceed 90 1000000000 I n Time Exceed 90 1000000000Out Bad IP Hdr 90 1000000000 I n Bad I P Hd r 90 1000000000Out Time Req 90 1000000000 I n Time R eq 90 1000000000Out Time Rsp 90 1000000000 I n Time R sp 90 1000000000Out In fo Req 90 1000000000 I n I nfo Req 90 1000000000Out In fo Rs p 90 1000000000 I n I nfo Rsp 90 1000000000Out Mask Req 90 1000000000 I n Mask R eq 90 1000000000Out Mask Rsp 90 1000000000 I n Mask R sp 90 1000000000F4:Clear C umulative Statistics, Others :Exit