Before you close the door, be sure the belt is out ofthe way. If you slam the door on it, you can damageboth the belt and your vehicle.Shoulder Belt Height AdjustmentBefore you begin to drive, move the shoulder belt heightadjuster to the height that is right for you.Adjust the height so that the shoulder portion of thebelt is centered on your shoulder. The belt shouldbe away from your face and neck, but not falling offyour shoulder.To move it down, pressthe release button (A)and move the heightadjuster to the desiredposition. You can movethe height adjuster up justby pushing up on theshoulder belt guide.After you move the height adjuster to where you wantit, try to move it down without pressing the releasebutton to make sure it has locked into position.Safety Belt Use During PregnancySafety belts work for everyone, including pregnantwomen. Like all occupants, they are more likely to beseriously injured if they do not wear safety belts.A pregnant woman should wear a lap-shoulder belt,and the lap portion should be worn as low as possible,below the rounding, throughout the pregnancy.The best way to protect the fetus is to protect themother. When a safety belt is worn properly, it is morelikely that the fetus will not be hurt in a crash. Forpregnant women, as for anyone, the key to makingsafety belts effective is wearing them properly.1-20