Advanced Guide TroubleshootingContents > Preparing for Faxing > Specifying the Basic Settings for Faxing > Entering Numbers, Letters, and SymbolsEntering Numbers, Letters, and SymbolsWith the Numeric buttons on the machine, you can enter the unit name and the recipient's name for thecoded speed dial.The machine has three input modes: uppercase mode, lowercase mode, and numeric mode. The tablebelow shows the characters that can be entered in each mode.For example, in the uppercase mode, press the button once to enter "A" and press the buttontwice to enter "B". Thus, the characters in the table can be entered by pressing the appropriate buttonrepeatedly.Button Uppercase mode(:A)Lowercasemode (:a)Numericmode (:1)Fax/Telephoneno.1 1ABCÅÄÁÀÃÂÆÇ abcåäáàãâæç 2 2DEFËÉÈÊ defëéèê 3 3GH I Ï Í Ì Î gh i ï í ì î 4 4JKL jkl 5 5MNOÑØÖÓÒÕÔ mnoñøöóòõô 6 6PQRSÞ pqrsþ 7 7TUVÜÚÙÛ tuvüúùû 8 8WXYZÝ wxyzý 9 90 0- . SP*1 # ! " , ; : ^ ` _ = / | ' ? $ @ % & + ( ) [ ] { } < > \ *2~*2 #Press the Tone button to switch to the uppercasemode (:A), lowercase mode (:a), or numeric mode (:1).*1 "SP" indicates a space.*2 Displayed only when entering characters in the LAN settings.1. Press the Tone button to switch the input mode.Each time the Tone button is pressed, the input mode will be switched to the uppercase mode (:A),lowercase mode (:a), then numeric mode (:1).The current input mode appears at the upper right corner of the LCD (:A, :a, :1).Example: uppercase modePage 27 of 973 pagesEntering Numbers, Letters, and Symbols