■ After Replacing the Reader UpperCover Unit1. Enter the X, Y, and Z values indicated under thebarcode on the Copyboard Glass in• COPIER > ADJUST > CCD > W-PLT-X (White leveldata (X) entry of white plate) ,• COPIER > ADJUST > CCD > W-PLT-Y (White leveldata (Y) entry of white plate) , and• COPIER > ADJUST > CCD > W-PLT-Z (White leveldata (Z) entry of white plate) ,and then write the entered values (the the X, Y, and Zvalues shown under the barcode on the CopyboardGlass) on the service label.NOTE:The value of W-PLT-X: The first four digits of the value onthe labelThe value of W-PLT-Y: The four digits in the middle of thevalue on the labelThe value of W-PLT-Z: The last four digits of the value onthe label2. AGC adjustment1. Entering a provisional valueChange the foregoing values to "1,000".• COPIER > ADJUST > CCD > LED-BW-R(Adjustment of LED light-up time (R) at B&Wreading)• COPIER > ADJUST > CCD > LED-BW-G(Adjustment of LED light-up time (G) at B&Wreading)• COPIER > ADJUST > CCD > LED-BW-B(Adjustment of LED light-up time (B) at B&Wreading)Change the foregoing values to "1,200"• COPIER > ADJUST > CCD > LED-CL-R(Adjustment of LED light-up time (R) at colorreading)• COPIER > ADJUST > CCD > LED-CL-G(Adjustment of LED light-up time (G) at colorreading)• COPIER > ADJUST > CCD > LED-CL-B(Adjustment of LED light-up time (B) at colorreading)2. Adjust the white level in the following service mode.• COPIER > FUNCTION > CCD > BW-AGC(CIS intensity adjustment in ADF (B&W))• COPIER > FUNCTION > CCD > CL-AGC (CISintensity adjustment in ADF (color))3. If the operation was "successful", this procedure iscompleted. (There is no need to write the value onthe service label.)4. How to judge whether the operation was successfulor failedWhether the operation was successful or failed isnot shown on the UI, so perform the followingprocedure to judge if the operation was successfulor failed.B&W mode• COPIER > ADJUST > CCD > LED-BW-R(Adjustment of LED light-up time (R) at B&Wreading)• COPIER > ADJUST > CCD > LED-BW-G(Adjustment of LED light-up time (G) at B&Wreading)• COPIER > ADJUST > CCD > LED-BW-B(Adjustment of LED light-up time (B) at B&Wreading)Check the foregoing values. If all of them remain"1,000", the operation result is judged to be "failed".If the operation result is judged to be "failed", turnOFF and then ON the power, and execute COPIER> FUNCTION > CCD > BW-AGC again.Color mode• COPIER > ADJUST > CCD > LED-CL-R(Adjustment of LED light-up time (R) at colorreading)• COPIER > ADJUST > CCD > LED-CL-G(Adjustment of LED light-up time (G) at colorreading)• COPIER > ADJUST > CCD > LED-CL-B(Adjustment of LED light-up time (B) at colorreading)Check the foregoing values. If all of them remain"1,200", the operation result is judged to be "failed".If the operation result is judged to be "failed", turnOFF and then ON the power, and execute COPIER> FUNCTION > CCD > CL-AGC again.3. Automatic adjustment of the stream readingposition1. Entering a provisional valueSet the value of• COPIER > ADJUST > ADJ-XY > STRD-POS(Adjustment of reading position at ADF streamreading)to "-20".2. Automatic adjustment of the stream readingpositionExecute• COPIER > FUNCTION > INSTALL > STRD-POS (Scan position auto adj in ADF mode)If the operation was successful, write the value ofSTRD-POS on the service label.4. Disassembly/Assembly145