Q: Although Microsoft ISA as a proxy server is introduced, the authentication check is failed. Can E-RDS adopt with Microsoft ISA?Ans.E-RDS must comply with "Basic" while "Integrated" authentication is used for Microsoft ISA (as default); therefore,authentication with E-RDS is available if you change the setting to "Basic" authentication on the server.Q: Can I turn this machine power off during the e-Maintenance/ imageWARE Remote system operation?Ans.While operating the e-Maintenance/ imageWARE Remote system, the power of the device must be ON. If power OFF isneeded, do not leave the device power OFF for long time.It will become "Device is busy, try later" errors if the power supply of network equipment such as HUB is made prolongedOFF.Q: Although a Service call error may not be notified to UGW, the reason is what?Ans.If a service technician in charge turns off the power supply of this machine immediately after error occurred once, It may beunable to notify to UGW because data processing does not take a time from the controller of this machine to NIC though,the data will be saved on the RAM.If the power supply is blocked off while starting up, the data will be inevitably deleted.Q: How does E-RDS operate while this machine is placed in the sleep mode?Ans.While being in Real Deep Sleep, and if data to be sent is in E-RDS, the system wakes up asleep, then starts to send thedata to the UGW. The system also waits for completion of data transmission and let the device to shift to asleep status again.However, transition time to the Real Deep Sleep depends on the device, and the transition to sleep won't be done if the nextdata transmission will be done within 10 minutes.Q: Is E-RDS compatible with Department counter?Ans.No, E-RDS does not support Department counter.Q: Counter information could not be sent at the scheduled send time due to the power of this machinebeing turned OFF. Will the counter information be sent later when the power of this machine is turnedON?Ans.Yes. When a scheduled send such as that for counter could not be executed due to the power of this machine being turnedOFF, etc., and the scheduled send time has already passed at power-on, the send is executed immediately.The following shows data send according to the status of this machine.Send types Status of this machinePower ON Power OFF SleepScheduled send Sent Not sent *1 Sent *2Immediate send(Service call log / Alarm log / Jam log)Sent - Sent *2*1: Immediately sent if the send time has already passed at power-on.*2: Sent after recovery from sleep mode.Q: What is the number of the network port used by E-RDS?Ans.The port number used by E-RDS for communication with UGW is "443".If this setting is changed, an error occurs during communication with UGW. Therefore this setting should not be changedunless otherwise instructed.2. Technical Explanation52