Laser Exposure SystemDisassembly/AssemblyProcedureRemoving the Laser ScannerUnit■ Preparation1. Removing the Right Cover.(Refer to “Removing theRight Cover” on page 120 )2. Removing the Left Cover.(Refer to “Removing theLeft Cover” on page 118 )3. Removing the Right Front Cover.(Refer to“Removing the Right Front Cover” on page 121 )4. Removing the ADF Unit + Reader Unit.(Refer to“Removing the ADF Unit + Reader Unit” on page130 )5. Removing the Rear Upper Cover.(Refer to“Removing the Rear Upper Cover” on page 123 )6. Removing the Upper Cover.(Refer to “Removing theUpper Cover” on page 125 )7. Removing the Rear Cover.(Refer to “Removing theRear Cover” on page 123 )8. Removing the Rear Lower Cover.(Refer to“Removing the Rear Lower Cover” on page 123 )9. Removing the Rear Cover Rib Unit.(Refer to“Removing the Rear Cover Rib Unit” on page 125)10. Removing the Duplex Printing Reverse Drive Unit.(Refer to “Removing the Duplex Reverse Drive Unit”on page 179 )11. Removing the Fixing Assembly.(Refer to “Removingthe Fixing Assembly” on page 200)12. Removing the Delivery Unit.(Refer to “Removing theDelivery Unit” on page 220 )■ ProcedureCAUTION:When replacing the Laser Scanner Unit, be sure toperform the following procedure.(Refer to “AfterReplacing the Laser Scanner Unit” on page 188)CAUTION:The ITB Unit is under the Laser Scanner Unit. Ensureto close a Cartridge Tray when performing thisprocedure, because there is a possibility that the ITBUnit might be damaged when the Laser Scanner Unitis mistakenly dropped during installation/removal.[1][2] [3]1. Remove the wire harness cover plate [1].• 2 screws [2][1][2][2]2x4. Disassembly/Assembly185