7) Push the switch (SW2) on the Copy Data Controller-A1 to enter service mode.Figure 9-5168) Set the mode of input as follows:8-1) Select card or ID input using the Ten Key Pad-A1. (The default is card input.)8-2) To change from card input to ID input, operate as follows:To change from ID to card* input, go to step 8-4).*You will need a Card Reader-A1.appears.8-3) Press the w key, and press the key.The display will show .8-4) To change to card input, press the q key when the display shows ; then,press the key.The display will show .Table 9-5021. Setting the DIP switch (SW5-4) on the Copy Data Controller-A1 to OFF de-selects group control, and the display will be as follows:Figure 9-5172. If ID mode has been stored in the copier’s memory, you can use that ID for theCopy Data Controller-A1. To do so, operate as follows:MANAGE=CARDENTMANAGE=IDMANAGE=IDENTMANAGE=CARDSW216 SW4SW1 ON SW5 ONLED6LED5LED4LED3LED2LED1SW2SW3JB2JB1JA1JA2EPROMSRAMCPU IPCJC9JC6JC5JC8J516CHAPTER 9 INSTALLATION9-49COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV. 0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)Note:Code12Input modeCardID