RDF-D1If E402, E43, E406, and E408 are detected in sequence, an error will not be identified,as each has merely been detected no more than once.Table 11-709CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTING11-171COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV. 0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)TypeManual feed pick-up stationaryManual feedpick-up delayManual feed pick-up stationaryManual feeddelivery stationaryManual feeddeliverystationaryManual feed orig-inal left behindReversal lead-ing edge skewReversal origi-nal left behindReversal pick-up delayReversal pick-upleading edge skewReversal pick-up stationaryReversaldelayReversalstationaryStreamreadingErrordetectionManual feedReversalSensorS32S20S20S20S19, S20S5S3, S4S3S3, S5S3, S4S3S5S5S20S17Chronological sequenceThe feeding motor (M8) turns on. The original does notleave S32 after it has been fed an equivalent of 1000 mm.The feeding motor (M8) turns on. The original is fed anequivalent of 1000 mm. S20 does not detect the original.S20 detects an original for an equivalent of 750 mmor more.The belt motor (M3) turns on. The original is fed for an equiv-alent of 532 mm or more. S20 does not detect an original.S20 detects an original. The original is fed for anequivalent of “length in feeding direction × 1.5” mmor more. The original does not leave S19.The belt motor (M3) rotates in reverse. S5 detectsan original.Reversal starts. S3 and S4 detect an original with adiscrepancy of 10 mm or more in timing.Reversal starts. S3 detects paper.Reversal starts. The paper is fed for an equivalentof 163 mm from S5. S3 does not detect paper.Reversal starts. S3 and S4 detect an original with adiscrepancy of 10 mm or more.Reversal starts. The original is fed for an equivalent of “lengthin feeding direction × 1.5” mm. The original does not leave S3.The belt motor (M3) turns on. The original is fed for anequivalent of 115 mm. S5 does not detect the original.S3 detects an original for an equivalent of “length infeeding direction × 1.5” mm or more.• In stream reading, the speed of the belt motor (M3)when the leading edge of the original is at imageexposure start position is below a specific value.• In stream reading, the copier sends a command foran outside control speed for the belt motor (M3).• In stream reading, the point of edge feeding from thepre-registration sensor is within a specific range.Any of the conditions for E402, E403, E406, or E408 is detected.Note: For each code, the first and the second faults are treatedas a jam; the third and the subsequent faults are treated aserrors. This is to prevent issuing an error in response to thewrong placement of an original. The count returns to ‘0’ whenthe power is turned off and then on again.Code9192A1A2A3A415515253541441F4HFEH