b. Stream Reading with the RDF in UseFigure 3-305CHAPTER 3 EXPOSURE SYSTEM3-13COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV. 0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)OriginalsRDFCopier12Scanner12qOriginals are placed. wThe Copy Start key is pressed. The 2ndoriginal is picked up from the right. Thescanner moves to the center of thecopyboard, and is locked in place by thescanner locking solenoid.212 1eThe RDF sends the image leading edgesignal to the copier when the leadingedge of the 2nd original moves rightnext to the scanner. In response, thecopier turns on the registration clutch sothat the original and the copy paper arematched.By this time, the 1st original has beenpicked up and is following the 2nd orig-inal.rThe 2nd original is illuminated while it ismoved over the scanner.Then, the RDF sends the image leadingedge signal for the 1st original.12 12tThe 1st original is illuminated while mov-ing over the scanner.The 2nd original is delivered from theleft.yThe scanner returns to home position.The 1st original is delivered from theleft.