SW1Bit1, 23PositionONOFFSW1 Bit1, 2, 3PositionOFFnn Using an Existing IDa) Set the DIP switch (SW1) on the Copy Data Controller-A1 as indicated:Table 9-503b) Press the switch (SW4) on the Copy Data Controller-A1.LED5 turns on for a brief moment when the data has been drawn successfully.c) LED5 flashes if the attempt to draw the data fails. Press the switch (SW4) onceagain, and check that LED5 turns on.The copier cannot deliver paper while data is being drawn.d) Set the DIP switch (SW1) on the Copy Data Controller-A1 as follows. (LED5 shouldgo out.)Table 9-504Figure 9-518LED5SW4SW1-1SW1-2SW1-316 SW4SW1 ON SW5 ONLED6LED5LED4LED3LED2LED1SW2SW3JB2JB1JA1JA216LED1 LED2 LED3CHAPTER 9 INSTALLATION9-50 COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV. 0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)