RDF-D1Table 11-710CHAPTER 11 TROUBLESHOOTING11-172 COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV. 0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)TypeDelivery delayDeliverystationaryRDF openPick-up signalerrorInitial originalleft behindSize errorStreamreading errorErrordetectionDeliveryOthersSensorS5, S6S6S31S13, S14,S23, S24,S20S17Chronological sequenceS5 detects an original. The original is fed for anequivalent of 218 mm or more. S6 does not detectan original.S6 detects an original for an equivalent of “length infeeding direction × 1.5” mm or more.The RDF is identified as being open.The right or left cover is identified as being openedduring operation.The copier sends a command for pick-up when theRDF is not ready.A large-size original is detected in reduced pagecomposition mode.• In stream reading, the speed of the belt motor(M3) when the leading edge of the original is atimage exposure start position is below a specificvalue.• In stream reading, the copier sends a commandfor an outside control speed for the belt motor(M3).• In stream reading, the edge feeding stop positionfrom the pre-registration sensor is outside a spe-cific range.Any of the conditions for E402, E403, E406, orE408 is detected.Note: For each code, from the first to the thirdfaults are treated as a jam; the fourth and the sub-sequent faults are treated as errors. This is to pre-vent issuing an error in response to the wrongplacement of an original. The count returns to ‘0’when the power is turned off and then on again.Code2526E2E3E4E6F4HFEH