COPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6560/NP6360/NP6260 REV. 0 NOV. 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 3-15OriginalsRDF12Scanner122 11212 112122 1 2 12121) Originals are placed. 2) The Copy Start key is pressed. The 2nd originalis picked up. The scanner moves to the centerof the copyboard, and is locked in place by thescanner locking solenoid.3) The RDF sends the image leading edge signalto the copier when the leading edge of the 2ndoriginal moves right next to the scanner.In response, the copier turns on the registrationclutch so that the original and the copy paperare matched. The 1st original is picked up.4) The 2nd original is illuminated while it is movedover the scanner.5) The 2nd original is stopped where streamreading has ended.6) The scanner executes normal scanning toilluminate the remaining number of copies.7) The scanner moves to the center of the copy-board, and is held in place by the scannerlocking solenoid.9) The 1st original is stopped where streamreading has ended. The scanner returnsto home position.10) The scanner executes normal scanning toilluminate the remaining number of originals.11) The 1st original is delivered.8) When the RDF has sent the image leading edgesignal for the 1st original, the 1st original ismoved over the scanner and illuminated.b. Combination of Stream Reading and Normal Scanning (A4, 2 originals, multiple copies)Figure 3-307