3 Functions of Devices in DVP-PMDVP-PM Application Manual 3-73DOG sensor is detected during the 1 st -speed positioning process, the 2 nd -speed positioning will startimmediately to accelerate/decelerate to V(II) and operates in stable speed. Pulse output can be stopped bythe input signal from external STOP terminal.♦ The registers involved: D1824 (D1904, D1984, D2054) (VBIAS), D1840 (D1920, D2000, D2080) (V(I)), D1844(D1924, D2004, D2084) (V(II)), D1822 (D1902, D1982, D2062) (V MAX), D1838 (D1918, D1998, D2078)(P(I)), D1842 (D1922, D2002, D2082) (P(II), D1836 (D1916, D1996, D2076) (T ACC) and D1837 (D1917,D1997, D2077) (T DEC).Speed T ACC T DECV MAXTimeV BIASStartV(I) V(II)P(II)DOG13. b12 of D1846 (D1926, D2006): enabling OX subroutine♦ b[12] = 1: start OX subroutine; b[12] = 0: stop OX subroutineX axis Y axis Z axisHW LW HW LW HW LWD1847 D1927 D2007Work Modes1. b2 of D1847 (D1927, D2007): CLR signal output mode♦ b[2] = 0: CLR will output 130ms signal to the servo as the clear signal when zero return is completed,♦ b[2] = 1: CLR will be a general output point, and its status will be controlled by ON/OFF status of b[3].2. b3 of D1847 (D1927, D2007): CLR output ON/OFF control♦ b[3] = 0: output point CLR will be OFF.♦ b[3] = 1: output point CLR will be ON.3. b4 of D1847 (D1927, D2007): CLR polarity setting♦ b[4] = 0: CLR is NO contact.♦ b[4] = 1: CLR is NC contact.4. b5 of D1847 (D1927, D2007): STOP mode setting♦ b[5] = 0: When STOP signal comes in during the motor execution, the motor will decelerate to stop. Whenthe next motion instruction is activated, the motor will ignore the unfinished distance and immediatelyexecute the next positioning step.♦ b[5] = 1: When STOP signal comes in during the motor execution, the motor will decelerate to stop. Whenthe next motion instruction is activated, the motor will complete the unfinished distance before executing thenext positioning step.5. b6 of D1847 (D1927, D2007): range for MPG♦ b[6] = 0: No limitation on the range of MPG pulse output