9 Electrical CAMDVP-PM Application Manual 9-55When M1908 = ON, the 3 axes X/Y/Z share the same high speed counter C200. The input signal of C200 iscontrolled by MPG A0/B0. C200 reset signal is controlled by PG0.C200C200reset signalCounting mode selectionInput pulseInput pulsePulseUABDirPV of C200DM1200/M1201MPGB0MPGA0M1203=1, PG0There are 2 execution patterns of multi-axis E-CAM:1. Point-to-point Switching PatternIn multi-axis E-CAM, we can separate an M-points E-CAM Data into several sections for realizing real-timeCAM data switching between sections. Only one section will be executed for one time and users can addnew data into the next section. For switching to next section, insert an additional point of (0, n1) between thesections. When Master position is detected as 0, set value n1 of Slave position will be the target number forpoin-to-point switching. When single section is completed, M1813/M1893/M2053 will be ON and has to beclear by user for Indicating next completion. In the below diagram we use an N-point E-CAM Data andseparate the beginning 202 points into 2 sect.ions.No.012...9899100101102198199200201...00... .........E-CAM X-axisMaster SlaveM0M1M98M99M101M103M199M200M102M2S0S1S2S98S990or101S101S102S103S199S200101or 0WhenM100=0,S100=0WhenM100=0,S100=101WhenM201=0,S201=101WhenM201=0,S201=01 234554200DisplacementResolution:When value of Master is 0, switch tothe number set in Slave