5 Categories and Use of Basic Application InstructionsDVP-PM Operation Instruction5-2Mnemonic STEPSCategory API 16-bit 32-bit Pulse Function 20PM 10PM 16-bit 32-bit Page43 SUM DSUM 3 Sum of Active bits 9 9 5 9 5-6344 BON DBON 3 Check specified bit status 9 9 7 13 5-6445 MEAN DMEAN 3 Mean 9 9 7 13 5-6546 ANS - - Timed Annunciator Set 9 9 7 - 5-6647 ANR - 3 Annunciator Reset 9 9 1 - 5-6748 SQR DSQR 3 Square Root 9 9 5 9 5-6949 - DFLT 9 Floating Point 9 9 - 6 5-70High SpeedProcessing 50 REF - 3 Refresh 9 9 5 - 5-7261 SER DSER 3 Search a data stack 9 9 9 17 5-7466 ALT - 3 Alternate state 9 9 3 - 5-7567 RAMP DRAMP - Ramp variable value 9 9 9 17 5-76HandyInstructions69 SORT DSORT - Data sort 9 9 11 21 5-7878 FROM DFROM 9 Read CR Data fromSpecial Modules 9 9 9 12 5-8079 TO DTO 9 Write CR Data into SpecialModules 9 9 9 13 5-81I/O87 ABS DABS 3 Absolute value 9 9 3 5 5-8489 PLS - - Rising-edge Output 9 9 3 - 4-1190 LDP - - Rising-edge DetectionOperation 9 9 3 - 4-991 LDF - - Falling-edge DetectionOperation 9 9 3 - 4-992 ANDP - - Rising-edge SeriesConnection 9 9 3 - 4-993 ANDF - - Falling-edge SeriesConnection 9 9 3 - 4-1094 ORP - - Rising-edge ParallelConnection 9 9 3 - 4-1095 ORF - - Falling-edge ParallelConnection 9 9 3 - 4-1196 TMR - - 16-bit Timer 9 9 5 - 4-797 CNT DCNT - 16-bit/32-bit Counter 9 9 5 6 4-8BasicInstructions99 PLF - - Falling-edge Output 9 9 3 - 4-12100 MODRD - - Read Modbus Data 9 9 7 - 5-85Communi-cations 101 MODWR - - Write Modbus Data 9 9 7 - 5-89110 - DECMP 9 Floating Point Compare 9 9 7 9 5-94111 - DEZCP 9 Floating Point ZoneCompare 9 9 9 12 5-95112 DMOVR 3 Move floating point data 9 9 9 5-96116 - DRAD 9 Degree → Radian 9 9 - 6 5-97117 - DDEG 9 Radian → Degree 9 9 - 6 5-98120 - DEADD 9 Floating Point Addition 9 9 7 9 5-99121 - DESUB 9 Floating Point Subtraction 9 9 7 9 5-100Floating PointOperation122 - DEMUL 9 Floating PointMultiplication 9 9 7 9 5-101