6 Motion Instructions and G-Code InstructionsDVP-PM Application Manual 6-29MON Mnemonic Operands Function11 SINTR X P 1 /Y P 2 , F V 1-axis Single-speed Positioning withAdditional DistanceControllers20PM -Bit Devices Double-Word Devices NotesTypeK H D KK HH DDP1 * * * * * *P2 * * * * * *V * * * * * * SINTR instruction supports V, Z index registermodification on the devices. See specifications of DVP-PM for the applicablerange of each device. You can place an M-Code instruction after SINTR.Operands:P1: Additional distance on X axis P 2: Additional distance on Y axis V: Operation speed V(I)Explanations:1. When SINTR instruction is enabled, the operation speed will start from VBIAS and accelerate to V(I) and thenoperate stably. When the execution encounters DOG signal, it will follow the additional distance set by theinstruction and complete the positioning process.2. Maximum V = V MAX .3. The first operand of SINTR can be either X axis or Y axis for single speed positioning with additional distance.4. Range of parameters: (16-bit) K = -32,768 ~ 32,767; H = 0 ~ FFFF; D = 0 ~ 9,999; (32-bit) KK = -2,147,483,648~ 2,147,483,647; HH = 0 ~ FFFFFFFF; DD = 0 ~ 9,998.5. Acceleration/deceleration time and bias speed can be set up in special D.6. Acceleration/deceleration time increases or decreases in proportional to the setting of V MAX.7. The 16-bit devices and 32-bit devices can be used together.8. Timing diagram:T ACC T DECV MAXV BIASStartDOGSpeedTimeOperation speed V(I)Additionaldistance9. Both additional distance and moving speed are required, and therefore there are 2 operand combinations forSINTR instruction.NO. Instruction Operand combination1 X P 1 F V2 SINTR Y P 2 F VProgram Example:1. When X0 = ON, SINTR instruction in OX0 subroutine will be executed. X axis accelerates to 500kHz in 100ms.