3 Functions of Devices in DVP-PMDVP-PM Application Manual3-52Explanations:1. D1832 is the register for setting times of CAM repetitions.D1832 controls the repeatition times of CAM data cycle execution. When the value in D1832 exceeds H8000 (b15= 1), cyclic CAM will start to execute. See the example below. When D1832 = 0, the CAM data will not beexecuted repeatedly. However, when D1832 = 1, the CAM data will be repeated once, and so forth.D1832 = 0D1832 = 12. D1833 is the register for distributing remaining pulses.When the operation of the main shaft is fixed to 202 pulses, and 50 pulses are required to execute a cycle of CAMdata. The execution result will be 4 CAM data with 2 remaining pulses. In this case, set D1832 to 3 (repeat CAMfor 3 times) and D1833 to 2. DVP-PM will execute one more pulse between the first and the second CAM cycle aswell as the second and the third CAM cycle, so as to properly distribute the remaining 2 pulses. See example (1)below. When D1832 = 4 and D1833 = 1, the CAM data will be executed 5 times. Between the first and the secondCAM cycle, the main shaft (master) will execute one more pulse. In example (2) below, when D1832 = 4 andD1833 = 3, the main shaft (master) will execute one more pulse after the first, second, and third CAM cycle.y Example (1)D1832 = 4, D1833 = 1y Example (2)D1832 = 4, D1833 = 3*The value in D1833 cannot be bigger than that in D1832.3. D1834 is the register for setting pulses for delay start of CAM.When executing the acyclic CAM, you can perform a delay start of CAM data by setting up value in D1834. Theset up value is the number of pulses executed by main shaft between the master acyclic input signal and the startof an CAM cycle. As the examples below, when the system receives a master acyclic input signal, which enablesCAM, the main shaft will execute the CAM data after the pulses set in D1834 are executed.