8 Application ExamplesDVP-PM Application Manual 8-13Ladder diagram for trigger condition 3: Operations:Set up the bias speed of X axis (V BIAS)Set up the acceleration time of X axis (T ACC )Set up the deceleration time of X axis (T DEC )Clear the current position of X axis as 0Set up the total distance of all segments forX axisSet up the operation speed for the 1 stsegment on X axisX7 = ON, enable single speed positioningmode on X axis and T0 executes, preparingfor switching to the 2nd segment.T0 = ON, modify the operation speed into20,000Hz and T1 executes, preparing forswitching to the 3 rd segment.T1 = ON, modify the operation speed into9,000Hz and T2 executes, preparing forswitching to the 4 th segment.T2 = ON, modify the operation speed into18,000Hz and T3 executes, preparing forswitching to the 5 th segment.D1824D1836D1837DMOV D1848DMOV D1838M1002K0K100000K10000DMOVMOVMOVMOVK100K100K100D1840MOVPX7D1846H102TMR T0 K100T1T2T3DMOVP K20000K9000K18000K7000TMR K100TMR K100T0T1T2DMOVPD1840D1840TMR K100DMOVP D1840DMOVP D1840T3 T3 = ON, modify the operation speed into7,000Hz. Pulse output will be finished in thissegment.