8 Eaton 93PM Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie (50 kW and 100 kW IAC-T) Installation and Operation Manual P-164000371—Rev 05• UPS, optional components, and accessory installation instructions, including site preparation, planning forinstallation, and wiring and safety information. Detailed illustrations of cabinets and optional accessorieswith dimensional and connection point drawings are provided.• UPS operation, including UPS controls, functions of the UPS, standard features and optional accessories,procedures for starting and stopping the UPS, and information about maintenance and responding tosystem events.• Communication capabilities of the UPS system.Refer to the Eaton 93PM Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Distribution (50 kW, 100 kW, 150 kW, and 200 kW IAC-D) Installation and Operation Manual for the following additional information:• Installation instructions, including site preparation, planning for installation, wiring and safety information,and detailed illustrations of cabinets with dimensional and connection point drawings• Operation, including breakers, standard features and optional accessories, procedures for using the tie andbypass functions, and information about maintenanceVisit www.eaton.com/powerquality or contact an Eaton service representative for information on how to obtaincopies of these manuals.11..88 GGeettttiinngg HHeellppIf help is needed with any of the following:Scheduling initial startupRegional locations and telephone numbersA question about any of the information in this manualA question this manual does not answerPlease call the Help Desk at:United States: 1-800-843-9433Canada: 1-800-461-9166 ext 260All other countries: Call your local service representativePlease use the following e-mail address for manual comments, suggestions, or to report an error in thismanual:E-ESSDocumentation@eaton.com11..99 EEqquuiippmmeenntt RReeggiissttrraattiioonnPlease visit www.eaton.com/pq/register to register your new Eaton UPS / Eaton UPS Accessory.Model Number:Serial Number:Introduction