Eaton 93PM Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie (50 kW and 100 kW IAC-T) Installation and Operation Manual P-164000371—Rev 05 1CChhaapptteerr 11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonnThe Eaton® Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie (IAC-T) is designed for use with the 93PM 50 kW and 100 kWUPS. The IAC-T provides parallel tie or parallel tie with optional maintenance bypass functions with theconfigurable features, enabling adaptation and expansion without costly electrical rework.The IAC-T is housed in single free-standing cabinet with safety shields behind the doors for hazardous voltageprotection. The cabinet matches the UPS cabinet in style and color.NOTE Startup and operational checks must be performed by an authorized Eaton CustomerService Engineer, or the warranty terms specified on the product's resources pagebecome void. See Chapter 9 Warranty for details. This service is offered as part of thesales contract for the UPS. Contact an Eaton service representative in advance (aminimum two-week notice is required) to reserve a preferred startup date.11..11 FFeeaattuurreessThe following descriptions provide a brief overview of the IAC-T:• Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie (IAC-T) – Module Output Breakers (MOB) 1 through 4 enable up to fourUPSs to be paralleled together for redundancy and/or increased capacity.• Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie (IAC-T) with optional MIS – Module Output Breakers (MOB) 1 through 4enable up to four UPSs to be paralleled together for redundancy and/or increased capacity. A MaintenanceIsolation (MIS) breaker provides output control to the critical load for the whole system.• Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie (IAC-T) wit h optional MIS and MBP – Module Output Breakers (MOB) 1through 4 enable up to four UPSs to be paralleled together for redundancy and/or increased capacity.Maintenance Bypass (MBP) and Maintenance Isolation (MIS) breakers enable power to completely bypassthe UPS externally, allowing the UPS to be safely serviced or replaced without interrupting power to criticalsystems.Figure 1 shows the Eaton 93PM 50 kW IAC-T and 93PM 100 kW IAC-T.11..22 IInnssttaallllaattiioonn FFeeaattuurreess• The IAC-T is designed to be installed in line-up-and-match or standalone configurations:– In line-up-and-match configurations input power wiring is routed through the side panels between theUPS and the IAC-T.– In standalone configurations input power wiring is routed using external conduit through top or bottomentry conduit plates.– Output wiring is routed using external conduit through top or bottom entry conduit plates.• To reduce installation time, connections to the MOB and bypass inputs, and critical load output are madeto easily accessible mechanical lug terminals located on the breakers or at the front of the cabinet.• Top exhaust or rear ventilation is available• The cabinet can be leveled and secured in place using leveling feetIn a line-up-and-match two or four UPS parallel system the IAC-T is installed centered between the UPScabinets or other accessory cabinets. In a three UPS parallel system two UPS cabinets are installed to one sideof the IAC-T and one to the other side. All of the UPS cabinets cannot be installed to one side of the IAC-Tbecause of inter-cabinet wiring access constraints. See Figure 2 through Figure 4 for line-up-and-matchconfiguration views.