Eaton 93PM Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie (50 kW and 100 kW IAC-T) Installation and Operation Manual P-164000371—Rev 05 6544..55 IInniittiiaall SSttaarrttuuppNOTE Startup and operational checks must be performed by an authorized Eaton CustomerService Engineer, or the warranty terms specified on the product's resources pagebecome void. See Chapter 9 Warranty for details. This service is offered as part of thesales contract for the UPS. Contact an Eaton service representative in advance (aminimum two-week notice is required) to reserve a preferred startup date.44..66 CCoommpplleettiinngg tthhee IInnssttaallllaattiioonn CChheecckklliissttThe final step in installing the IAC is completing the following Installation Checklist. This checklist ensures thatyou have completely installed all hardware, cables, and other equipment. Complete all items listed on thechecklist to ensure a smooth installation. Make a copy of the Installation Checklist before filling it out, andretain the original.After the installation is complete, an Eaton Customer Service Engineer must verify the operation of the UPSsystem and commission it to support the critical load. The service representative cannot perform anyinstallation tasks other than verifying software and operating setup parameters. Service personnel may requesta copy of the completed Installation Checklist to verify all applicable equipment installations have beencompleted.NOTE The Installation Checklist MUST be completed prior to starting the UPS system for thefirst time.Installation Checklisto All packing materials and shipping brackets have been removed from each cabinet.o The IAC-T is installed on a level floor suitable for computer or electronic equipment.o The IAC-T is placed in its installed location.o All conduits and cables are properly routed between the IAC-T and the UPS.o All power cables are properly sized and terminated.o A ground conductor is properly installed.o Interface wiring between the IAC-T and UPS cabinets is properly installed.o All terminal cover plates are installed.o Air conditioning equipment is installed and operating correctly.o The area around the UPS system is clean and dust-free.o Adequate workspace exists around the IAC-T and other cabinets.o Adequate lighting is provided around all IAC-T and UPS equipment.o A 120 Vac service outlet is located within 7.5m (25 ft) of the IAC-T and UPS equipment.o Startup and operational checks are performed by an authorized Eaton Customer Service Engineer.o Visit to register your new Eaton UPS / Eaton UPS Accessory.NotesInstallation