Eaton 93PM Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie (50 kW and 100 kW IAC-T) Installation and Operation Manual P-164000371—Rev 05 81MOB 3 (if installed) CLOSEDMOB 4 (if installed) CLOSED3. Start the UPS. Refer to the applicable Eaton 93PM UPS Installation and Operation manual, listed inparagraph 1.7 For More Information, for multiple UPS parallel operating procedures.4. Close the door and secure the latch.66..33 UUssiinngg tthhee UUPPSS wwhheenn aann IIAACC--TT iiss IInnssttaalllleedd ((wwiitthh aa MMIISS))To operate the IAC-T:1. Open the front door by lifting the latch from the bottom, turning to the right (counterclockwise), andswinging the door open.2. Verify that the IAC-T circuit breakers are set as follows (see Figure 44 for breaker locations):MOB 1 CLOSEDMOB 2 CLOSEDMOB 3 (if installed) CLOSEDMOB 4 (if installed) CLOSEDMIS CLOSED3. Start the UPS. Refer to the applicable Eaton 93PM UPS Installation and Operation manual, listed inparagraph 1.7 For More Information, for multiple UPS parallel operating procedures.4. Close the door and secure the latch.66..44 UUssiinngg tthhee UUPPSS wwhheenn aann IIAACC--TT iiss IInnssttaalllleedd ((wwiitthh aa MMIISS aanndd aa MMBBPP))To operate the IAC-T:1. Open the front door by lifting the latch from the bottom, turning to the right (counterclockwise), andswinging the door open.2. Verify that the IAC-T circuit breakers are set as follows (see Figure 44 for breaker locations):MOB 1 CLOSEDMOB 2 CLOSEDMOB 3 (if installed) CLOSEDMOB 4 (if installed) CLOSEDMBP OPENMIS CLOSED3. Start the UPS. Refer to the applicable Eaton 93PM UPS Installation and Operation manual, listed inparagraph 1.7 For More Information, for multiple UPS parallel operating procedures.4. Close the door and secure the latch.Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie Operating Instructions