Eaton 93PM Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie (50 kW and 100 kW IAC-T) Installation and Operation Manual P-164000371—Rev 05 79CChhaapptteerr 66 IInntteeggrraatteedd AAcccceessssoorryy CCaabbiinneett--TTiiee OOppeerraattiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnssThis section describes how to operate the Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie (IAC-T).NOTE 1 Before using the IAC-T, ensure all installation tasks are complete and a preliminarystartup has been performed by authorized service personnel. The preliminary startupverifies all electrical interconnections to ensure the installation was successful and thesystem operates properly.NOTE 2 Read this section of the manual and have thorough knowledge of UPS and IAC-Toperation before attempting to operate any of the controls.66..11 CCiirrccuuiitt BBrreeaakkeerrssFigure 44 identifies and shows the location of the circuit breakers in the Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie (IAC-T). The descriptions provide a brief overview of the IAC-T breaker use.• Module Output Breaker 1 – The Module Output Breaker 1 (MOB 1) controls the output from UPS 1,enabling two UPS modules to be paralleled together for redundancy or increased capacity.• Module Output Breaker 2 – The Module Output Breaker 2 (MOB 2) controls the output from UPS 2,enabling two UPS modules to be paralleled together for redundancy or increased capacity.• Module Output Breaker 3 (optional) – The Module Output Breaker 3 (MOB 3) controls the output fromUPS 3, enabling three UPS modules to be paralleled together for redundancy, increased capacity, orredundancy and increased capacity.• Module Output Breaker 4 (optional) – The Module Output Breaker 4 (MOB 4) controls the output fromUPS 4, enabling two UPS modules to be paralleled together for redundancy, increased capacity, orredundancy and increased capacity.• Maintenance Isolation Breaker (optional) – The Maintenance Isolation Breaker (MIS) provides outputcontrol to the critical load for the whole system when used without a Maintenance Bypass Breaker (MBP)and isolates the UPS from the bypass feed and the load when a Maintenance Bypass Breaker (MBP) isprovided.• Maintenance Bypass Breaker – The Maintenance Bypass Breaker (MBP) transfers the load from the UPSoutput to the bypass input feeder.