Eaton 93PM IAC-T Series Installation And Operation Manual
Eaton 93PM Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie (50 kW and 100 kW IAC-T) Installation and Operation Manual P-164000371—Rev 05 vLLiisstt ooff FFiigguurreessFigure 1. Eaton 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or 93PM 100 kW IAC-T ................................................................................. 2Figure 2. Eaton 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Two UPS Parallel System ............................................... 3Figure 3. Eaton 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Three UPS Parallel System ............................................. 4Figure 4. Eaton 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Four UPS Parallel System............................................... 6Figure 5. 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Dimensions (Front, Right Side, and Rear Views) ........................ 13Figure 6. 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Dimensions (Top and Bottom Views) ...................................... 14Figure 7. 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Center of Gravity ................................................................ 15Figure 8. Eaton 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or Eaton 93PM 100 kW IAC-T as Shipped on Pallet ........................................... 31Figure 9. emoving the Pallet Skids and Supports – Eaton 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or 93PM 100 kW IAC-T ......................... 34Figure 10. Line-Up-and-Match Wiring Access Locations...................................................................................... 36Figure 11. Top and Bottom Conduit Landing Wire Entry Location.......................................................................... 38Figure 12. 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Power Terminal Locations – No MIS or MBP ............................ 40Figure 13. MOB Terminal Detail .................................................................................................................... 41Figure 14. Power Output Terminal Detail – Load Bus ......................................................................................... 41Figure 15. 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Power Terminal Locations – 1+1 with MIS ............................... 44Figure 16. 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Power Terminal Locations – 2+0 and 2+1 with MIS.................... 45Figure 17. 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Power Terminal Locations – 3+0, 3+1, and 4+0 with MIS ............ 46Figure 18. Power Output Terminal Detail – 1+1 with MIS.................................................................................... 47Figure 19. Power Output Terminal Detail – 2+0 and 2+1 with MIS ........................................................................ 47Figure 20. Power Output Terminal Detail – 3+0, 3+1, and 4+0 with MIS ................................................................ 48Figure 21. 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Power Terminal Locations – 1+1 with MIS and MBP .................. 51Figure 22. 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Power Terminal Locations – 2+0 and 2+1 with MIS andMBP.......................................................................................................................................... 52Figure 23. 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Power Terminal Locations – 3+0, 3+1, and 4+0 with MIS andMBP.......................................................................................................................................... 53Figure 24. Power Output Terminal Detail – 1+1 with MIS and MBP....................................................................... 54Figure 25. Power Output Terminal Detail – 2+0 and 2+1 with MIS and MBP ........................................................... 54Figure 26. Power Output Terminal Detail – 3+0, 3+1, and 4+0 with MIS and MBP ................................................... 55Figure 27. 93PM 50 kW IAC-T or 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Interface Terminal Location................................................... 57Figure 28. Interface Terminal Detail – Two MOBs.............................................................................................. 58Figure 29. Interface Terminal Detail – Three MOBs............................................................................................ 59Figure 30. Interface Terminal Detail – Four MOBs ............................................................................................. 60Figure 31. MOB and Pull Chain Wiring ............................................................................................................ 64Figure 32. Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie (IAC-T) Internal Oneline – Two to Four MOBs ........................................ 67Figure 33. Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie (IAC-T) Internal Oneline – Two to Four MOBs with a MIS ......................... 68Figure 34. Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie (IAC-T) Internal Oneline – Two to Four MOBs with a MIS and aMBP.......................................................................................................................................... 69Figure 35. Eaton 93PM 50 kW IAC-T and 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Schematic – Two MOBs ............................................ 70Figure 36. Eaton 93PM 50 kW IAC-T and 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Schematic – Three MOBs .......................................... 71Figure 37. Eaton 93PM 50 kW IAC-T and 93PM 100 kW IAC-T Schematic – Four MOBs ............................................ 72 |
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