Eaton 93PM Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Tie (50 kW and 100 kW IAC-T) Installation and Operation Manual P-164000371—Rev 05 29Table 17. External Input Power Cable Terminations for the Eaton 93PM 100 kW IAC-T 1+1, 2+0, 2+1, 3+0, 3+1, and 4+0Parallel Configurations – with MIS and MBP (Continued)Terminal FunctionTermi-nalFunc-tionNumber and Size ofPressure Termination(AWG or kcmil)TighteningTorque Nm(lb in)Size Screw andTypeMBP–3BPhase B 1 – 2 stud bus barmounting12.2 (108) M8 Stud with 13 mmHex NutMBP–5CPhase C 1 – 2 stud bus barmounting12.2 (108) M8 Stud with 13 mmHex NutAC Output to Critical LoadLoadBus APhase A 2 – 6–350 42 (375) 5/16” HexLoadBus BPhase B 2 – 6–350 42 (375) 5/16” HexLoadBus CPhase C 2 – 6–350 42 (375) 5/16” HexBuilding and Load Ground TBG Ground 6 – 14–1/0 5.1 (45) Slotted33..22..33 IIAACC--TT IInntteerrffaaccee WWiirriinngg PPrreeppaarraattiioonnControl wiring for features and options should be connected at the customer interface terminal blocks locatedinside the IAC-T.WARNINGDo not directly connect relay contacts to the mains related circuits. Reinforced insulation to the mains isrequired.Read and understand the following notes while planning and performing the installation:• Use Class 1 wiring methods (as defined by NEC Article 725) for interface wiring from 30V to 600V. Thewire should be rated for 600V, 1A minimum. 12 AWG maximum wire size.• Use Class 2 wiring methods (as defined by NEC Article 725) for interface wiring up to 30V. The wire shouldbe rated for 24V, 1A minimum.• Use twisted-pair wires for each input and return or common.• All interface wiring and conduit is to be supplied by the customer.• Interface wiring can be installed using the inter-cabinet wiring access pass-through or by routing wiringthrough conduit between cabinets.• Install the interface wiring in separate conduit from the power wiring.33..33 IInnssppeeccttiinngg aanndd UUnnppaacckkiinngg tthhee IIAACC--TTThe cabinet is shipped bolted to a wooden pallet and covered with outer protective packaging material (seeFigure 8).NOTE Startup and operational checks must be performed by an authorized Eaton CustomerService Engineer, or the warranty terms specified on the product's resources pagebecome void. See Chapter 9 Warranty for details. This service is offered as part of thesales contract for the UPS. Contact an Eaton service representative in advance (aminimum two-week notice is required) to reserve a preferred startup date.Installation Plan and Unpacking