5-38 G30 Generator Protection System GE Multilin5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS5The G30 supports the Distributed Network Protocol (DNP) version 3.0. DNP is enabled when the SETTINGS PRODUCTSETUP COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL setting is set to DNP 3.0. The G30 can be used as a DNP slave device con-nected to multiple DNP masters (usually an RTU or a SCADA master station). Since the G30 maintains two sets of DNPdata change buffers and connection information, two DNP masters can actively communicate with the G30 at one time.The DNP Channels sub-menu is shown below.PATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS DNP PROTOCOL DNP CHANNELSThe DNP CHANNEL 1 PORT and DNP CHANNEL 2 PORT settings select the communications port assigned to the DNP protocolfor each channel. Once DNP is assigned to a serial port, DNP is the only protocol running on that port; Modbus or IEC60870-5-103 are disabled. If DNP is assigned to RS485, the protocol must be set to DNP on the serial port configuration aswell, for the change to take effect. When the DNP CHANNEL 1(2) PORT setting is set to “Network - TCP,” the channel 1(2)DNP protocol can be used over TCP/IP on the Ethernet ports. When the DNP CHANNEL 1 PORT setting is set to “Network -UDP,” the channel 1 DNP protocol can be used over UDP/IP on the Ethernet ports. See the DNP appendix for informationon the DNP protocol.Changes to these settings take effect when power has been cycled to the relay.Do not set more than one protocol to the same TCP/UDP port number, as this results in unreliable operation ofthose protocols.The DNP ADDRESS setting is the DNP slave address. This number identifies the G30 on a DNP communications link. EachDNP slave should be assigned a unique address.The G30 can specify a maximum of five clients for its DNP connections. These are IP addresses for the controllers to whichthe G30 can connect. The settings in this sub-menu are shown below.PATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS DNP PROTOCOL DNP NETWORK CLIENT ADDRESSESThe DNP TCP/UDP PORT NUMBER is for normal DNP operation. To close the port, set the port number to 0. The change takeseffect when the G30 is restarted.MESSAGE DNP NUMBER OF PAIREDCONTROL POINTS: 0Range: 0 to 32 in steps of 1MESSAGE DNP TCP CONNECTIONTIMEOUT: 120 sRange: 10 to 7200 s in steps of 1 DNP CHANNELSDNP CHANNEL 1 PORT:NETWORKRange: NONE, COM2 - RS485,FRONT PANEL - RS232, NETWORK - TCP,NETWORK - UDPMESSAGE DNP CHANNEL 2 PORT:COM2 - RS485Range: NONE, COM2 - RS485,FRONT PANEL - RS232, NETWORK - TCP DNP NETWORK CLIENT ADDRESSESCLIENT ADDRESS 1: standard IP addressMESSAGE CLIENT ADDRESS 2: standard IP addressMESSAGE CLIENT ADDRESS 3: standard IP addressMESSAGE CLIENT ADDRESS 4: standard IP addressMESSAGE CLIENT ADDRESS 5: standard IP addressNOTE