5-210 G30 Generator Protection System GE Multilin5.6 GROUPED ELEMENTS 5 SETTINGS5Figure 5–94: DIRECTIONAL POWER CHARACTERISTICBy making the characteristic angle adjustable and providing for both negative and positive values of the minimum operatingpower a variety of operating characteristics can be achieved as presented in the figure below. For example, section (a) inthe figure below shows settings for reverse power, while section (b) shows settings for low forward power applications.Figure 5–95: DIRECTIONAL POWER ELEMENT SAMPLE APPLICATIONSRESTRAINSMINRCA+CALIBRATION+-OPERATEDirectionQP842702A1.CDRPQOPERATERESTRAINRCA = 0oSMIN > 0(d)PQOPERATE RESTRAINRCA = 180oSMIN > 0(a)PQOPERATERESTRAINRCA = 0oSMIN < 0(c)PQOPERATERESTRAINRCA = 180oSMIN < 0(b)PQ OPERATERESTRAINRCA = 90oSMIN > 0(e)PQOPERATERESTRAINRCA = 270oSMIN < 0(f)