5-132 G30 Generator Protection System GE Multilin5.5 FLEXLOGIC 5 SETTINGS5ELEMENT:FlexElementsFxE 1 PKPFxE 1 OPFxE 1 DPOFlexElement 1 has picked upFlexElement 1 has operatedFlexElement 1 has dropped outFxE 2 to 16 Same set of operands as shown for FxE 1ELEMENT:GeneratorunbalanceGEN UNBAL STG1 PKPGEN UNBAL STG1 DPOGEN UNBAL STG1 OPGEN UNBAL STG2 PKPGEN UNBAL STG2 DPOGEN UNBAL STG2 OPGEN UNBAL PKPGEN UNBAL DPOGEN UNBAL OPThe Generator Unbalance Stage 1 element has picked upThe Generator Unbalance Stage 1 element has dropped outThe Generator Unbalance Stage 1 element has operatedThe Generator Unbalance Stage 2 element has picked upThe Generator Unbalance Stage 2 element has dropped outThe Generator Unbalance Stage 2 element has operatedThe Generator Unbalance element has picked upThe Generator Unbalance element has dropped outThe Generator Unbalance element has operatedELEMENT:GroundinstantaneousovercurrentGROUND IOC1 PKPGROUND IOC1 OPGROUND IOC1 DPOGround instantaneous overcurrent 1 has picked upGround instantaneous overcurrent 1 has operatedGround instantaneous overcurrent 1 has dropped outELEMENT:Ground timeovercurrentGROUND TOC1 PKPGROUND TOC1 OPGROUND TOC1 DPOGround time overcurrent 1 has picked upGround time overcurrent 1 has operatedGround time overcurrent 1 has dropped outELEMENTNon-volatile latchesLATCH 1 ONLATCH 1 OFFNon-volatile latch 1 is ON (Logic = 1)Non-volatile latch 1 is OFF (Logic = 0)LATCH 2 to 16 Same set of operands as shown for LATCH 1ELEMENT:Loss of excitationLOSS EXCIT STG1 PKPLOSS EXCIT STG2 PKPLOSS EXCIT STG1 DPOLOSS EXCIT STG2 DPOLOSS EXCIT STG1 OPLOSS EXCIT STG2 OPLOSS EXCIT PKPLOSS EXCIT DPOLOSS EXCIT OPStage 1 of the loss of excitation element has picked upStage 2 of the loss of excitation element has picked upStage 1 of the loss of excitation element has dropped outStage 2 of the loss of excitation element has dropped outStage 1 of the loss of excitation element has operatedStage 2 of the loss of excitation element has operatedThe loss of excitation element has picked upThe loss of excitation element has dropped outThe loss of excitation element has operatedELEMENT:Negative-sequencedirectionalovercurrentNEG SEQ DIR OC1 FWDNEG SEQ DIR OC1 REVNEG SEQ DIR OC2 FWDNEG SEQ DIR OC2 REVNegative-sequence directional overcurrent 1 forward has operatedNegative-sequence directional overcurrent 1 reverse has operatedNegative-sequence directional overcurrent 2 forward has operatedNegative-sequence directional overcurrent 2 reverse has operatedELEMENT:Negative-sequenceovervoltageNEG SEQ OV1 PKPNEG SEQ OV1 DPONEG SEQ OV1 OPNegative-sequence overvoltage element has picked upNegative-sequence overvoltage element has dropped outNegative-sequence overvoltage element has operatedNEG SEQ OV2 to 3 Same set of operands as shown for NEG SEQ OV1ELEMENT:NeutralinstantaneousovercurrentNEUTRAL IOC1 PKPNEUTRAL IOC1 OPNEUTRAL IOC1 DPONeutral instantaneous overcurrent 1 has picked upNeutral instantaneous overcurrent 1 has operatedNeutral instantaneous overcurrent 1 has dropped outELEMENT:Neutral overvoltageNEUTRAL OV1 PKPNEUTRAL OV1 DPONEUTRAL OV1 OPNeutral overvoltage element 1 has picked upNeutral overvoltage element 1 has dropped outNeutral overvoltage element 1 has operatedNEUTRAL OV2 to 3 Same set of operands as shown for NEUTRAL OV1ELEMENT:Neutral timeovercurrentNEUTRAL TOC1 PKPNEUTRAL TOC1 OPNEUTRAL TOC1 DPONeutral time overcurrent 1 has picked upNeutral time overcurrent 1 has operatedNeutral time overcurrent 1 has dropped outELEMENT:Neutral directionalovercurrentNTRL DIR OC1 FWDNTRL DIR OC1 REVNeutral directional overcurrent 1 forward has operatedNeutral directional overcurrent 1 reverse has operatedNTRL DIR OC2 Same set of operands as shown for NTRL DIR OC1ELEMENT:Overfrequency OVERFREQ 1 PKPOVERFREQ 1 OPOVERFREQ 1 DPOOverfrequency 1 has picked upOverfrequency 1 has operatedOverfrequency 1 has dropped outOVERFREQ 2 to 4 Same set of operands as shown for OVERFREQ 1ELEMENT:Phase directionalovercurrentPH DIR1 BLK APH DIR1 BLK BPH DIR1 BLK CPH DIR1 BLKPhase A directional 1 blockPhase B directional 1 blockPhase C directional 1 blockPhase directional 1 blockTable 5–17: G30 FLEXLOGIC OPERANDS (Sheet 3 of 8)OPERAND TYPE OPERAND SYNTAX OPERAND DESCRIPTION