GE Multilin G30 Generator Protection System 7-77 COMMANDS AND TARGETS 7.1 COMMANDS7• Latched target message: No.• Description of problem: A data item in a configurable GOOSE data set is not supported by the G30 order code.• How often the test is performed: On power up.• What to do: Verify that all the items in the GOOSE data set are supported by the G30. The EnerVista UR Setup soft-ware will list the valid items. An IEC61850 client will also show which nodes are available for the G30.• Latched target message: No.• Description of problem: A data item in a configurable report data set is not supported by the G30 order code.• How often the test is performed: On power up.• What to do: Verify that all the items in the configurable report data set are supported by the G30. The EnerVista URSetup software will list the valid items. An IEC61850 client will also show which nodes are available for the G30.• Latched target message: Yes.• Description of problem: The battery is not functioning.• How often the test is performed: The battery is monitored every five seconds. The error message displays after 60 sec-onds if the problem persists .• What to do: Replace the battery as outlined in the Maintenance chapter.• Latched target message: No.• Description of problem: Direct input and output settings are configured for a ring, but the connection is not in a ring.• How often the test is performed: Every second .• What to do: Check direct input and output configuration and wiring.• Latched target message: No.• Description of problem: A bad IRIG-B input signal has been detected.• How often the test is performed: Monitored whenever an IRIG-B signal is received.• What to do: Ensure the following:– The IRIG-B cable is properly connected.– Proper cable functionality (that is, check for physical damage or perform a continuity test).– The IRIG-B receiver is functioning.– Check the input signal level (it may be less than specification).If none of these apply, then contact the factory.IEC 61850 DATA SET:LLN0 GOOSE# ErrorIEC 61850 DATA SET:LLN0 BR# ErrorMAINTENANCE ALERT:Replace BatteryMAINTENANCE ALERT:Direct I/O Ring BreakMAINTENANCE ALERT:Bad IRIG-B Signal