B-80 G30 Generator Protection System GE MultilinB.4 MEMORY MAPPING APPENDIX BBF173ENUMERATION: DCmA INPUT/OUTPUT RANGEF174ENUMERATION: TRANSDUCER RTD INPUT TYPE0 = 100 Ohm Platinum, 1 = 120 Ohm Nickel,2 = 100 Ohm Nickel, 3 = 10 Ohm CopperF176ENUMERATION: SYNCHROCHECK DEAD SOURCE SELECTF177ENUMERATION: COMMUNICATION PORT0 = None, 1 = COM1-RS485 (not applicable to UR firmware 7.00),2 = COM2-RS485, 3 = Front Panel-RS232, 4 = Network - TCP,5 = Network - UDPF179ENUMERATION: NEGATIVE SEQUENCE DIRECTIONALOVERCURRENT TYPE0 = Neg Sequence, 1 = Zero SequenceF183ENUMERATION: AC INPUT WAVEFORMSF184ENUMERATION: IEC GOOSE DATASETF186ENUMERATION: MEASUREMENT MODE0 = Phase to Ground, 1 = Phase to PhaseF189ENUMERATION: INRUSH INHIBIT MODE0 = Per Phase, 1 = 2-out-of-3, 2 = AverageF190ENUMERATION: SIMULATED KEYPRESSBitmask DCmA input/output range0 0 to –1 mA1 0 to 1 mA2 –1 to 1 mA3 0 to 5 mA4 0 to 10 mA5 0 to 20 mA6 4 to 20 mABitmask Synchrocheck dead source0 None1 LV1 and DV22 DV1 and LV23 DV1 or DV24 DV1 Xor DV25 DV1 and DV2Bitmask Definition0 Off1 8 samples/cycle2 16 samples/cycle3 32 samples/cycle4 64 samples/cycleValue IEC 61850 dataset0 Off1 GooseIn 12 GooseIn 23 GooseIn 34 GooseIn 45 GooseIn 56 GooseIn 67 GooseIn 78 GooseIn 89 GooseIn 910 GooseIn 1011 GooseIn 1112 GooseIn 1213 GooseIn 1314 GooseIn 1415 GooseIn 1516 GooseIn 16Bitmask Keypress Bitmask Keypress0 No key ---use between real keys23 Reset24 User 11 1 25 User 22 2 26 User 33 3 27 User-programmable key 14 4 28 User-programmable key 25 5 29 User-programmable key 36 6 30 User-programmable key 47 7 31 User-programmable key 58 8 32 User-programmable key 69 9 33 User-programmable key 710 0 34 User-programmable key 811 Decimal Point 35 User-programmable key 912 Plus/Minus 36 User-programmable key 1013 Value Up 37 User-programmable key 1114 Value Down 38 User-programmable key 1215 Message Up 39 User 4 (control pushbutton)16 Message Down 40 User 5 (control pushbutton)