5-48 G30 Generator Protection System GE Multilin5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS5The main reception menu is applicable to configurable GOOSE only and contains the configurable GOOSE dataset itemsfor reception:PATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS IEC 61850 PROTOCOL GSSE/GOOSE CONFIGURATION RECEPTION CONFIGURABLE GOOSE CONFIGURABLE GOOSE 1(16) CONFIG GSE 1(32) DATA ITEMSThe configurable GOOSE settings allow the G30 to be configured to receive a number of different datasets within IEC61850 GOOSE messages. Up to sixteen different configurable datasets can be configured for reception. This is useful forintercommunication between G30 IEDs and devices from other manufacturers that support IEC 61850.For intercommunication between G30 IEDs, the fixed (DNA/UserSt) dataset can be used. The DNA/UserSt dataset con-tains the same DNA and UserSt bit pairs that are included in GSSE messages.To set up a G30 to receive a configurable GOOSE dataset that contains two IEC 61850 single point status indications, thefollowing dataset items can be selected (for example, for configurable GOOSE dataset 1): “GGIO3.ST.Ind1.stVal” and“GGIO3.ST.Ind2.stVal”. The G30 will then create a dataset containing these two data items. The Boolean status valuesfrom these data items can be utilized as remote input FlexLogic operands. First, the REMOTE DEVICE 1(16) DATASET settingmust be set to contain dataset “GOOSEIn 1” (that is, the first configurable dataset). Then REMOTE IN 1(16) ITEM settingsmust be set to “Dataset Item 1” and “Dataset Item 2”. These remote input FlexLogic operands will then change state inaccordance with the status values of the data items in the configured dataset.Double-point status values may be included in the GOOSE dataset. Received values are populated in theGGIO3.ST.IndPos1.stVal and higher items.Floating point analog values originating from MMXU logical nodes may be included in GOOSE datasets. Deadband (non-instantaneous) values can be transmitted. Received values are used to populate the GGIO3.MX.AnIn1 and higher items.Received values are also available as FlexAnalog parameters (GOOSE analog In1 and up).GGIO3.MX.AnIn1 to GGIO3.MX.AnIn32 can only be used once for all sixteen reception datasets. CONFIG GSE 1 DATASET ITEMSITEM 1:GGIO3.ST.Ind1.stValRange: all valid MMS data item references fortransmitted dataMESSAGE ITEM 2:GGIO3.ST.IndPos1.stVRange: all valid MMS data item references fortransmitted dataMESSAGE ITEM 3:NoneRange: all valid MMS data item references fortransmitted data↓MESSAGE ITEM 32:NoneRange: all valid MMS data item references fortransmitted dataNOTE