About This BookThis book provides information on how to use the system, use diagnostics, use serviceaids, and verify system operation. This book also provides information to help you solvesome of the simpler problems that might occur.ISO 9000ISO 9000 registered quality systems were used in the development and manufacturingof this product.Updating Microcode LevelsThis device contains microcode that you can update. Contact your servicerepresentative for instructions on how to get the latest microcode levels for your device.To install the microcode, follow the instructions contained in the README file.Online PublicationsRS/6000 publications are available online. To access the online books, visit our Website at: http://www.rs6000.ibm.com/resource/hardware_docs/Related PublicationsThe following publications provide additional information about your system unit:v TheSystem Unit Safety Information Guide, order number SA23–2652, containstranslations of safety information used throughout this book.v TheRS/6000 44P Series Model 270 Service Guide, order number SA38-0572,contains reference information, maintenance analysis procedures (MAPs), errorcodes, removal and replacement procedures, and a parts catalog.v TheDiagnostic Information for Multiple Bus Systems, order number SA38-0509,contains diagnostic information, service request numbers (SRNs), and failing functioncodes (FFCs).v TheAdapter, Device, and Cable Information for Multiple Bus Systems, order numberSA38-0516, contains information about adapters, devices, and cables for yoursystem. This manual is intended to supplement the service information found in theDiagnostic Information for Multiple Bus Systems.v TheSite and Hardware Planning Guide, order number SA38-0508, containsinformation to help you plan your installation.xv