3. A successful cleaning operation is indicated when the disturbance status light(amber) goes off (if it was activated before the cleaning operation).Obtaining Additional Tape CartridgesThe following table lists the tape cartridges that you can order for the 12/24GB 4mmTape Drive. Contact your customer service representative or the place of purchase toobtain the recommended tape cartridges.Tape Cartridges for the 12/24 GB 4 mm Tape DrivePart Number Type of Cartridge Length59H3465 12/24 GB 4 mm Data Cartridge 160 m (525 ft)59H3466 12/24 GB 4 mm Test Cartridge 11.5 m (37.7 ft)59H3090 12/24 GB 4 mm Cleaning Cartridge N/AUsing the Service Processor and Service Director FeaturesThe Service Processor and Service Director features protect users against unnecessarysystem downtime by keeping support personnel (both internal and external) aware ofany unexpected changes in the system environment. In combination, the two featuresprovide a flexible solution to automated system maintenance.Service ProcessorThe Service Processor runs on its own power boundary and continually monitorshardware attributes, the AIX Operating System, and the environmental conditions withinthe system. Any system failure which prevents the system from returning to anoperational state (a fully functional AIX Operating System) is reported by the ServiceProcessor. The Service Processor is controlled by firmware and does not require theAIX Operating System to be operational to perform its tasks. If any system failures aredetected, the Service Processor has the ability to take predetermined corrective actions.The methods of corrective actions are:v Surveillancev Call Homev AIX Operating System MonitoringSurveillance is a function in which the Service Processor monitors the system throughheartbeat communication with the system firmware. Theheartbeat is a periodic signalthat the firmware can monitor. During system startup, the firmware surveillance monitoris automatically enabled to check for heartbeats from the firmware. If a heartbeat is notdetected within a default period, the Service Processor cycles the system power andattempts to restart until the system either restarts successfully, or a predetermined retrythreshold is reached. In the event the Service Processor is unsuccessful in bringing thesystem online (or in the event that the user asked to be alerted to any ServiceProcessor assisted restarts), the system can call home to report the error.38 User’s Guide