Optical MediaThis function formats the media without certifying.v Optical Media InitializeFormats the media without certifying. This function does not reassign the defectiveblocks or erase the data on the media. It provides a quick way of formatting themedia and cleaning the disk.Note: It takes approximately one minute to format the media.v Optical Media Format and CertifyFormats and certifies the media. This function reassigns the defective blocks anderases all data on the media.This task can be run directly from the AIX command line. The following usagestatement describes the syntax of the command: diag -c -d deviceName -T "format[-s {initialize | fmtcert} ]"Option DescriptioninitializeFormats media without certifyingfmtcert Formats and certifies the mediaDiskette FormatThis selection formats a diskette by writing patterns to it.Generic Microcode DownloadThis service aid provides a means of executing a generic script from a diskette. Theintended purpose for this generic script is to load microcode to a supported resource.This script can run whatever program is required to download the microcode onto theadapter or device.This service aid is supported in both concurrent and stand-alone modes from disk, LAN,or loadable media.On entry, the service aid displays information about what it does. It then asks for aGenucode diskette to be inserted into the diskette drive. The diskette must be in tarformat. The service aid restores the script file genucode to the /tmp directory. Then thescript is executed. The script must at that point then pull any other needed files fromthe diskette. The script should then execute whatever program is necessary in order toperform its function. On completion, a status code is returned, and the user is returnedto the service aid. .The genucode script should have a # ! /usr/bin/ksh line at the beginning of the file.Return status of 0 should be returned if the program was successful, else a non-zerostatus should be returned134 User’s Guide