Appendix A. Environmental NoticesProduct Recycling and DisposalComponents of the system unit, such as structural parts and circuit cards, can berecycled where recycling facilities exist. Companies are available to disassemble,reutilize, recycle, or dispose of electronic products. Contact your account representativefor more information. This system unit contains batteries and circuit boards with leadsolder. Before you dispose of this unit, these batteries and circuit boards must beremoved and discarded according to local regulations or recycled where facilities exist.This book contains specific information on each battery type where applicable.Battery Return ProgramIn the United States, IBM has established a collection process for reuse, recycling, orproper disposal of used IBM batteries and battery packs. For information on properdisposal of the batteries in this unit, please contact IBM at 1-800-426-4333. Pleasehave the IBM part number that is listed on the battery available when you make yourcall. For information on battery disposal outside the United States, contact your localwaste disposal facility.Environmental DesignThe environmental efforts that have gone into the design of this system signify IBM’scommitment to improve the quality of its products and processes. Some of theseaccomplishments include the elimination of the use of Class I ozone-depletingchemicals in the manufacturing process and reductions in manufacturing wastes. Formore information, contact an IBM account representative.Unit EmissionsThe unit-related emission value is equal to or lower than 70dB(A).Der Geräuschpegel der Einheit ist kleiner oder gleich 70 db(A).159