processor to retry, continuing to place pager calls for the number of retriesspecified in the Call-Out policy Setup Menu. These retries result in redundantpages.For digital pagers that require a personal identification number (PIN) for access,include the PIN in this field as shown in the following example:18001234567,,,,87654The commas create pauses for the voice response system, and the 87654represents the PIN. The length of these pauses is set in modem register S8. Thedefault is usually 1 or 2 seconds each.v Customer Voice Telephone Number is the telephone number of a phone near theserver or answered by someone responsible for the server. This is the telephonenumber left on the pager for callback. For test purposes, use a test number, whichyou can change later.v Customer System Telephone Number is the telephone number to which yourserver’s modem is connected. The service or administration center representativesneed this number to make direct contact with your server for problem investigation.This is also referred to as thecall-in phone number.Call-Out Policy Setup MenuThis menu allows you to set call-out policy.Call-Out Policy Setup Menu1. Call-Out policy (First/All):Currently First2. Remote timeout, (in seconds):Currently 1203. Remote latency, (in seconds):Currently 24. Number of retries:Currently 298. Return to Previous Menu1>v Call-Out TestThe Call-Out Test verifies if the Call-Out function is working properly. Before the Test,call-out must be enabled and the system configured properly for call-out.During the setup, the user should have entered the phone numbers for the DigitalPager and Customer Voice for test purposes. These numbers are used to determinewhether call-out is working during the Call-Out Test.The Call-Out Test should cause the user’s phone to ring. If the test is successful,call-out is working properly. The user should now change the test Digital pager andCustomers Voice number to the correct numbers.Chapter 3. Using the Service Processor 57