Appendix E. Modem ConfigurationsThe Service Processor is designed to place little demand on the attached modem,thereby increasing the setup and connection success rates.Sample Modem Configuration FilesSeveral sample modem configurations files are supplied that either work directly withyour modem, or provide a good starting point for a custom setup, if required. Thesefiles are included on the Sample Modem Configuration Files diskette and in yourService Processor firmware with the following names:Diskette File Name Service Processor Firmware File Namemodem_z.cfg modem_z.spmodem_z0.cfg modem_z0.spmodem_f.cfg modem_f.spmodem_f0.cfg modem_f0.spmodem_f1.cfg modem_f1.spmodem_m0.cfg modem_m0.spmodem_m1.cfg modem_m1.spThe sample modem configuration files are located in the /usr/share/modemssubdirectory, if your server is using AIX. A listing of each file is included at the end ofthis appendix.Use the following selection procedures and your modem manual, to determine which ofthe configuration files is suitable for your use.Configuration File Selection1. Is your modem an IBM 7852-400?If Yes, use modem configuration file modem_m0.cfg and then go to step 7.Note: The IBM 7852-400 modem has DIP switches on the right side of the unit.See “IBM 7852-400 DIP Switch Settings” on page 172 for the correct switchsettings.If No, continue with step 2.2. Is your modem an IBM 7857-017?If Yes, use modem configuration file modem_m1.cfg and then go to step 7.Note: The IBM 7857-017 modem has two telephone line connections on the backof the unit. One is marked LL (for Leased Line), and the other is marked169